Saturday, October 13, 2012


LYGOS deals with customers and processes in a broad scale with an unprecedentedly advanced automation level...

LYGOS provides secure scale economies to its users whether they are an individual, a private company or a public corporation.

LYGOS not only enables its users to benefit from innovator IT services, but also enables connecting to computers at a new kind of powerful data center with great resources via Internet (!) The charm in using such a powerful data center lies in the option to pay-per-use...

LYGOS is a power shift that will start an era of sources shared at a broader diameter, more equal access and servers powerful enough to comply with commands from users far away...

The defining element of LYGOS - the enormous Internet data center - is not its most prominent feature (!) On the contrary, it's just a building block. LYGOS is actually a group of competent team players working hard to empower itself, a strong methodology and a series of sustainable progresses that comes together with its customers (!) It is the talent to remotely activate the servers virtualized in this synergy via standard web services.

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